Last week received this lovely email from Doris Marie with a photo of her progress so far on her quilt. She wrote:
"First, let me introduce myself. My name is Doris Marie Gerard, from Ohio USA, and I’m 64 years young. My grandmother taught me needlework when I was two, and I’ve been stitching ever since. Never finished anything, but still stitching. Long story there.
Sending you a scan of my center of “Dear Prudence”, which I started earlier this week. I’m using all Jo Morton fabrics, the kitties are Judie Rothermel.
The hardest part of making this quilt will be picking fabrics, I have no color sense, and almost all of Jo’s fabric! Second hardest part is picking out all those paper hexagons. I really dislike snipping my basting threads. I did it once to the center rosette on a larger hexagon quilt before I was finished with it, and the fabric frayed with all the moving about involved with making a quilt.
Back to staring at fabrics!
Doris Marie"

It looks great so far and I look forward to seeing the next border Doris.
Cheers Linda :)