Today has been a busy day. While Russell was doing this…..
I was doing this…..
And while I was doing that I was also reading this……
It arrived in the mail yesterday, but as I had to go to Melbourne I haven’t had a chance to have a good look through it. It has got all of the new Moda fabrics from the Houston Quilt Market which are due for delivery in February and March of next year. A couple that have caught my eye are ‘Aviary’ by 3 Sisters; ‘Patisserie’ by Fig Tree Quilts; and ‘Swanky’ by Chez Moi. But there are soooo many lovely fabrics to pick from.
I am heading to Melbourne for the AQM on Saturday so will be able to check out the samples and make my choices then. I missed out on seeing them all a few weeks ago when Rhys was due to call in. I had to herd test and couldn’t get to the shop to meet him…..mumble grumble mumble... :( So I can’t wait to catch up with him this weekend….get your pen and order book ready Rhys!
Linda :)
Rhys is going to be a popular man. We being Julie and I might see you there. We are going on saturday morning. Have a great time anyway.
Posted by: kerri at provincial patch | November 12, 2008 at 09:28 AM
Wow Linda - what a beautiful environment you have to work and play in. I enjoyed reading about your purchase of the old church and how you have recycled its best features - well done!!! Your garden is coming up a treat too...
I love gardening and stitching.
I travel from Melbourne to Portland at least 3 times a year so I hope I can visit you one day.
best wishes Cathy
Posted by: Catherine | November 16, 2008 at 02:49 PM