Wow I cant believe that’s it has been almost a week since my last post. So much work to do in so little time. I’ve been busy organising everything for the Homecraft Pavilion for our local agricultural show this weekend. This will be my third Heytesbury Show as Chief Steward, and although at times I wonder why on earth I said yes when asked to take on the role, it is extremely rewarding. I work along side a dedicated team of ladies to put on a magnificent display for our one day Show. So please excuse me if I don’t post anything until at least March….which starts on Sunday so it’s not that far away! I will try and get some photos of the exhibits to show you all. I have managed to do some last minute sewing to enter in the Show but I can’t show you as I don’t know whether our judges may be bloggers! I have also finished my second block in Gails free Block of the Month.
I really love them so far and can’t wait for the next one on March 7th.
Thanks to everyone who has asked after Russell. He is going along okay. The gash on his leg is infected and he’s on antibiotics, and apart from a few bruises you can’t even tell that he was in an accident. But as Russell puts it – "you're not on this side of me". I’m sure he will be sore for a while yet. So in the mean time I’m still working full time in the dairy and helping around the farm where possible.
Better keep moving
Linda :)