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March 02, 2009


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How cute is Pirate Magoo... I would never have thought to use that fabric on a Magoo! Perhaps I should just lighten up and use something "different"...certainly worked for Melly! I spend way too much time procrastinating over fabric choices....!


It is so sad to see country and city Magoo go their seperate ways =( But Pirate Magoo is just simply AWESOME!!!


YAY, YAY and double YAY!!! I am so glad that your Magoo won!!!!! Congratulations!!!! =] =]
Also super glad to see that your new pirate friend has joined the troop - he is going to fit right in!
Thanks again fir everything and ENJOY!! =]


Well Linda, just leave your new Pirate Magoo near the front door of the shop and i bet that he would just like to jump in my basket and come home with me!! He just looks lovely and Melly has done a great job. Love the outfit. Oh and my congratulations on your Magoo claiming a first prize in the Heytesbury show. Just as well i didn't finish or should i say start mine.


Nice monkeys you have made.

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