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November 15, 2010


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the more you do, the smaller it looks! thats weird!


WOW!!!! no dont keep it a secret, you are doing an awesome job there.


I love seeing your progress. Please keep updating!
It is looking magnificent!!

Julz at Simple Stitches

Linda, that looks awesome!!!!
don't you dare keep it a secret....it's very inspiring that someone is making all those little hexies!
love seeing your progress with it.
cheers Julz

Betty Seuren

love seeing your progress and looking forward to seeing it on Wednesday


It is amazing and looks stunning. Love seeing your progress - how wide across is it now? I struggle with all my stitching, you must be keeping your optometrist in business they are sooooo small.

See you at the AQM. I'll be in my usual spot.


Wow, Linda that´s a lovely Hexiquilt ;O) Have a nice weekend - kindly regards Gaby

Darlene Oakley

Wow Linda !!!I don't think that a little change will effect. It's fantastic and as always you inspire me to quilt.

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