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April 28, 2011


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It has been a great honour to watch this quilt grow, from those first hexagons to finally seeing the completed project. It is a truly amazing effort, and I feel so privileged to have been there along the way. I never had any doubt that you would complete it in the time limit you had. I cant wait to see it hanging in the Melbourne exhibition, Congratulations to both you and Russell!!!

Julz at Simple Stitches

congrats on finishing THE quilt, can't wait to see it in all its glory!


What an excellent effort. It looks fantastic

Betty Seuren

wonderful effort and looking forward to having a preview on monday


Fantastic effort Linda (and Russell)....thanks for sharing your journey - putting that last stitch in must have been an interesting moment - relief/elation/pride...but ....what now?? I guess it's like savouring the ending of a really good book....always hard to find something that measures up to follow it up....!


You are amazing !!! (and the quilt is stunning)


Thanks everyone for your kind words, however Linda's entry to the psych ward is still pending.


You are amazing to complete this in the time frame - I would need 10 years. Must go to the Quilt Show now - was going to give it a miss this year!


Congratulations Linda.......and Russell too; the most beautiful quilt, you are an inspiration and thank you for sharing this journey with us :)

Marion Prime

Will definately be going to have a look at this amazing quilt in the "flesh" and hanging with it's most deserved prize card on it.


well done Linda, I missed the posting of the completion of your amazing journey as i was overseas. cant wait to see this in the flesh too. when is it being shown?? are you finding you have time on your hands now its done? lol

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