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May 28, 2013


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Cant wait to see the finished quilt Linda
I hope this one is coming out into a book as well
Think i had better get a move on with Prudence lol


you have me so curious now to see what this new quilt looks like!! I am currently thinking about Prudence but I have too many projects going on now to contemplate it.


Are you going to keep us hanging for long????? Hope you are snuggled up in bed, star back in it's right place.


You were always going to unpick and fix it Linda... :) Plan B ..pfffffft I can just imagine Russell saying he was glad he didn't spot it...he would have had to say something! Looking forward to the big reveal on this quilt...looks like it is well on the way!


Bugger, but am certainly looking forward to seeing this quilt, love the colours. By the way, how was the movie....am itching to see Hangover 111...am a fan of the Hangover movies :) cheers

Natalia aka Koala

Hello Linda, When I discovered your blog I fell in love with dear Prudence quilt :-) I got the "big" book with original quilt before and have yours now - I really want to make this quilt - it is amazing!!! It will probably take me a very long time though :-))))
This new quilt is promising to be gorgeous as well :-)


It is wonderful to see your enthusiasm has returned. Shame about the star but definitely worth the unpicking. It would have been one of those things that would have bothered you if you didn't.
Isn't it interesting to see the things you think about when milking?

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