It has been a long time coming but I have finally finished the border on my new hexagon quilt. The last update was way back on the 22nd June 2012 when I shared this photo.

Up to this point I had only stitched 3,169 hexagons for the 7 months I had been working on it. Almost 18 months has passed and progress hasn't been that much faster......but last night I stitched the 12th part of the border in place.

The six 'points' to the star pattern each have about 594 hexagons in them, and the six large diamond shaped corner 'blocks' each have 1,156 hexagons in them......the total for this border is 10,500 hexagons. So I hope that you now all understand why it has taken me so long to do this border of the quilt, and why I didn't want to reveal it before it was completed.
And of course there is fussy cutting

and a few stripes

which just about drove me insane.....but they do look good.....don't they?
The quilt now measures 153cm from point to point, and I am about to start my final (?) border. I know what I would like to do.......I just have to work out how I am going to do it! I have printed off some hexagon graph paper and will use some coloured pencils to help me work out if the design will fit onto the quilt and whether I have to include some filler rows.
Now I did promise you all that I would reveal the name for my quilt.......after all I can't keep calling it my new hexagon quilt forever. I always find it hard to name quilts and projects that I design and make for the shop......ask any designer and they will agree. But this one wasn't that difficult at all. I have decided upon the name 'Elenor Jean', after my maternal Grandmother whose name was Elenor Jean, but everyone called her Jean (and whom we affectionately called Mammar), and my Mum who is also called Elenor. Maybe one day I will tell you more about these two ladies and why they mean so much to me.
I really must go .......... I have hexagons to colour in!
Linda :)