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October 17, 2015


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Hope you're feeling better now, Linda. I'm thinking this rude, ignorant self-important person would be a problem customer wherever she was. No wonder the husband slunk off to the car.

Carole Sullivan

you simply can not please everyone...I would not have been any different than you....I am thinking the husband stayed out of it because he knows how she is....and no-I am sorry---I do not believe the customer is always right----did she think she was the queen of England and everyone there should let her be first????? when I worked in a quilt shop--I did my best---I apologized many times if I was busy and someone needed help...but after a time they realized I wasnt going to get to them any faster if they butted in....I say kudos to you...nothing you could have done would have made her happy..she got up on the wrong side of the bed and was simply spreading her miserable day with others...*!*CAROLE*!~*


I agree with both of the above comments and pleased you did decide to print the story

Margaret hewitt

I was one of the sewing group and Linda was serving me at the time. I believe this lady was full of her own importance and expected everyone to jump when she spoke. Lady you really showed your ignorance, so what she travelled 24ks. We ladies trAvelled over 50 I for one do not expect to be served before anyone else, I expect to take my turn at the counter. She was a rude ignorant person. Linda you really had nothing to apologise for

Debra  - Outback Crafter

Ohhh, maybe it was her bad side of the bed day.

I would love to visit you & see your messy kitchen, crazy toilet & lovely fabric.

You did what you could. Tomorrow is another day.


I dont work in a shop, I work in a public hospital and I am front line in the ward, I cop it all the time from people who think that they are the sickest and have been there all night and havent slept and had no lunch and no one has seen them since they walked in the door... blah blah blah.
they arent the only ones needing attention, they are the ones that have no patience and are the rudest.
you cant be there for everyone, you did what you could do. sounds like this lady is one of those people I deal with. its frustrating and no matter what you do you wouldnt have made her happy. Ive travelled all the way from Melbourne to your shop.... 24km pffft


I think no matter what you had done this woman would not have been happy. sounds like she would have found something to complain about even if she was the only customer.
Sounds like all of the other ladies were very happy with the way they were treated by you.


I have just read your post and the comments and I agree with everyone. I totally agree you had nothing to apologise for. What, you are supposed to stop serving your other customers to serve her. Some people are so full of their own self importance!! If she just opened her eyes she could see that you were having a busy day and most of us would be understanding of that, but there is always one! She sounds like the type of person you don't really want as a regular customer anyway.

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