For a number of years now I have stocked the full range of the Cosmo stranded embroidery threads.......all 443 different colours. What I love about these threads, apart from that the fact that they are lovely to work with, is the way that they are stored. All tucked away in a cabinet away from dust and fluff, and I also keep mine away from the direct sunlight.
I have over the years stocked just a small selection of the Cosmo Seasons threads, which are the variegated threads. Stocking just a selection has always been annoying as you never quite have the right colour or shade for your stitching project. So I have decided that enough is enough and I have ordered the full range of 80 threads from the series 8000 Cosmo Seasons threads. Most of them (13 are on back order) arrived on Thursday and I am utilising an old Cosmo cabinet to store them in.
The colours are gorgeous! Not wanting to stop there I have also ordered the full range of the Cosmo Season 9000 series (20 colours) plus the Cosmo Season 5000 series (40 colours). They are yet to arrive but I will let you all know when they do. In the meantime I have added all of the series 8000 that are currently in stock to my website and they can be found here. All of the plain stranded Cosmo threads can also be found online here.
I sell quite a few through my online shop, so if you are having trouble sourcing them through your local Quilt Shop, pop on over and place an order with me.
Linda :)
Wow spoilt for choice now
Posted by: Cheryl | February 10, 2018 at 08:24 PM
So pretty.
Posted by: Debra - Outback Crafter | February 10, 2018 at 09:02 PM