Two and a half months might seem like a little way off to some, but by the time I throw in my Retreat, AQC and a month long holiday into the mix, I'm sure that May will be here before I know it! So being the super organised person that I am (NOT!), I thought that I had better give you all a little notice about our 2019 Friendship Frolic. It all started back in 2014 after Lenora and I had been talking about running a mini Shop Hop between our two shops. The following year we held our very first Friendship Frolic , it was a great success......and has become a 'must do' annual event on many quilter's calendar. This year's dates have been set, so mark it in your diary now!
Our 2019 Friendship Frolic will be our fifth and to celebrate this milestone we have a very special major prize draw for those who enter their completed their passports.
First prize is 2 nights for 2 friends (or you can take your husband if you!) at Pauline's Sunnyside Cottage in Apollo Bay. Many of you might remember me blogging about Sunnyside Cottage back in May 2017 and promising myself that I was going to treat myself to a stitching weekend away. Well that never happened........well at least not yet! The cottage sleeps 7 people comfortably, so if you win the prize you can always invite a couple more friends along.......hint!
Our second prize is a $150 machine quilting voucher from Barb Devine of Devine Quilting. Barb has been a wonderful supporter of our Friendship Frolic.
We will have more details closer to the Frolic about what is happening in both of our shops, but we will definitely have our special Frolickers gift for everyone who hands in their completed passports.
Linda :)
sorry to hear the birds are enjoying your orchard more than you...... have you thought of netting just the bottom half of trees.... you get some and they get some????
Posted by: Susie Q | March 23, 2019 at 07:37 AM