Last year Hannah messaged me and said that it was time for us to go on another holiday together. We had been away in 2014 to the US with a quick 2 day stop at Niagara Falls in Canada; and then again in 2016 to the US and Mexico. Both times the trip was for a month and both times we ended up at Spring Quilt Market.....the first in Pittsburgh and the second in Salt Lake City. This year Spring Market is back in Kansas City, which ironically is the first Quilt Market that I ever attended, and my first ever trip to the US. Gail Pan invited me to go along and it was great. So I left the details for Hannah to organise as I was busy with prep work for the Stitch in Spring at the time.......she came back with a few suggestions. We were excited that Cuba was on the itinerary, that was until we found out that President Trump had closed all non essential flights from the US to Cuba, and that if we wanted to go it would have to be the long way around via Mexico or Panama City. It all became too hard so we have opted for Memphis and Nashville instead.
So as you are reading this, Hannah and I will be sitting on a plane for our 16 hours flight to LAX. Backing it straight up with flights across the US to Miami. An Eastern Caribbean Cruise awaits us......a first for both of us. Then our Memphis / Nashville experience, followed by a Rocky Mountains tour in Canada. Spring Quilt Market in May sees the end of my part of our trip, but Hannah has decided to extend her stay by 10 days. I so wish that I could've stayed on, but I need to fly home as a month is a long time to be away from the shop, and the Friendship Frolic will be waiting for me.
While I am away the shop will be open as usual. Russell and Jodie will be there to help with all of your stitching needs. I have trained Russell up to handle the web orders that come through. I'm hoping that the instructional videos that we made will help him through the process without any well as reminding him what I sound like so he doesn't forget me during the month that I will be!
It has been a stressful time getting ready to leave.......especially with AQC just last week......and as always I have doubts that I should be going at all. But I will be okay once I'm there. I will try and do some blogging while I am there, but I will definitely be on Facebook and Instagram, so follow along if you like. It's going to be another fun holiday with Hannah!
See you in May
Linda :)