This is a new concept.....well new for me.....that I started about a month ago on my Gum Valley Patchwork Facebook page. Although I love blogging, it is a time consuming process that sometimes gets shuffled down the list of jobs to do. Often I forget to blog about new things in and around the shop, so I have decided to do a Live@Five session every Thursday on my Facebook page. I talk about, and show, new fabrics and notions that have arrived, as well as new projects that I have made and kitted up, or am currently working on. I understand a lot of you aren't able to tune in at that time, but if you can't watch it live don't worry, the video will be available for viewing on my page shortly after.
This week's live will be exciting as I have quite a bit to show you all. Usually it goes for about 10 - 15 minutes but this week it may just be a little longer than that!
But one thing is for has taken me out of my comfort zone of prerecording videos and checking to make sure that they are all 'perfect' before posting.....I think that I am getting better at it!
Hope to see you all on Thursday at 5pm!
Linda :)