Registrations opened up this morning at 9am for the 2022 Sit & Stitch in Simpson Weekend Retreat, and what an amazing response I received, with all places being filled in just 1 minute!
With only limited numbers able to attend, unfortunately some people have missed out on this yearly event. I really do hate having to tell people that they cannot attend, but when it is fully booked by 9.01am, there really isn't much else I can do. I have a waiting list and will use this to fill any vacancies created.
I have spent the morning contacting everyone to tell them of their success (or otherwise), so please check your text messages if you haven't heard from me yet. If you are still unsure, send me a message and I will let you know. For those quick enough to get in, please download the registration form below and return it to me by the 1st December with your deposit. This will secure your place.
Download Registration Form Weekend Retreat March 2022
Linda :)